On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 10:46:10AM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
| I'm using the fetchmail-procmail-sendmail combo to get mail off of a
| mailserver, filter it, and read it locally.  I'm using that same mail
| server to pass sent mail to.
| In this case, I don't know if sendmail is overkill and if I should be
| using something different.

For sending, ssmtp works (check the FAQ on www.mutt.org to find a
link).  ssmtp is like a sendmail replacement, but all it does is
forward the mail to a smpt server.  No local delivery, etc.
| What I'd like to fix is this...
| When fetchmail gets mail, I think it passes it to sendmail which
| checks to make sure the domain exists.  Today, my DNS servers listed
| in /etc/resolv.conf were down, and all the mail I fetched got bounced
| and lost.  I'd like for this not to happen and get any and all mail
| that is in my box no matter if it's spam and has an unresolvable
| domain or not.  How can I set this up?

You might be able to tell fetchmail to hand the mail off to procmail
directly.  If not you can probably have fetchmail just dump the stuff
in your inbox, then use the bash script in the procmail man page to
filter the mail from the inbox.


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