On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 05:08:19PM -0500, Glenn Becker wrote:
> I have had this problem in testing ...

> > has anyone else managed to get gnucash deb installed in unstable i386?
> > when i try to add it, it immediately removes itself in conflict
> > resolution because it depends upon two packages which ultimately
> > conflict with each other.
> > - -- 

This has been going on for maybe a week; bugs are filed against the
package.  See
#85652: Needs recompile against libguile9
#85966: dependencies conflicts
#86029: gnucash: gnucash depends on libguile6-slib but that package is
not available

I think the problem was caused by the guile maintainer stipulating
that libguile6 and libguile9 conflict with each other.


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