On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 02:43:57PM +0100, Erich Baur wrote:
> Hi *,
> Since some days I'm able to access the internet through a MS Proxy Server
> (MS Proxy Server 2.0 runs on a NT machine in a network). I just had
> to change to Browser/Proxy settings to the right values. 
> But how is it possible to bring programms like fetchmail, micq, ftp etc. to
> work? Under MS Windows I need to install MS Proxy Client for such things,
> but under Debian?
> Please help, I don't have any ideas (I'm a newcomer).
> Thanks in advance
> Erich
> PS: Would you please cc your replies to my email-address? At the moment I'm
> not subscribed to the list because of some problems with my mail programm.
> Thanks.

M$ proxy supports the SOCKS protocol,
install socks4-client on your linux
box to use it. I had successfully using
CVS, mail, news this way.

Good Luck!

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