To quote "Dean A. Roman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hello all,
#    I recently configured, compiled, and installed the 2.4.1 kernel. 
# far things are going ok with it.
# However, modprobe has stopped working correctly, and can't find any
# modules.

Chances are, you need a newer version of modutils. Here's a quick way to
get the appropriate version, made for your particular platform(Debian
Potato, I'm guessing).

1) Add a deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list pointing to "testing", as
opposed to "potato" or "stable". Remove this line when you're done.
2) As root, 'apt-get -b source modutils'.
3) As root, 'dpkg -i <modutils.deb, which was created with the previous
command>'. There you go :)

If you read /path/to/kernel/sources/Documentation/Changes , you'll see
the versions of all the programs you need to run a 2.4.x kernel.

# Thanks for any help you can give!

No probs. In return for this help, please refrain from posting your
question multiple times to the mailing list.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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