> What I did when presented with this problem was to do a bit of surgery on
the old
> ISA board and change its IRQ to a spare in the computer I was using. I cut
> track solder a wire the new interrupt pad to get it to work. With setserial
> this setup I was able to run four Serial Terminals of a two standard ISA

Well - I only have one hard disk, so in the end, I went through my bits box,
found another ISA card, set it to ttyS2, IRQ15 (disabled secondary IDE in
bios) - this seems to have worked... Only problem is, seems one of the UART
chips is missing (unless one 16550 can handle two ports) as there's an empty
socket on the board - a shame as this card is really easy to config for heaps
of different IO/IRQ combos.

Covers current need for three com ports, but might need one more.. Where could
I find info on hacking other cards to use different IRQ/IO combos through
physical alteration?

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