hanasaki  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
h> I have squid proxying ftp/http on my firewall.  Thus, I cna see web pages
h> from behind a firewall.  I do not want to put a hole in the firewall to
h> let people on the instide directly communicate with the outside via http
h> or ftp.
h> My netscape browser has a place to configure ftp/http/https firewalls and
h> directs all http / ftp requests THROUGH the firewall.  therefore, I
h> believe apt-get would need to be configured to talk through the firewall
h> as well.
h> Do you have some specific advise on how to configure things?

Certainly, the APT maintainer did; the APT users' guide
(/usr/share/doc/apt/guide.text.gz) has a pointer to sources.list(5),
which contains the following stanza:

       http   The  http  scheme  specifies an HTTP server for the
              archive. If an environment variable $http_proxy  is
              set  with the format http://server:port/, the proxy
              server specified in $http_proxy will be used. Users
              of  authenticated HTTP/1.1 proxies may use a string
              of the  format  http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/  Note
              that  this is an insecure method of authentication.

David Maze             [EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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