Nate Amsden wrote:
> SamBozo Debian User wrote:
> >
> > I have a new install of debian 2.2 potato on another box.
> > It has the same nameserver entrys in /etc/resolve.config ... as this box
> be sure its resolv.conf not resolv.config
> nate

my bad
resolv.conf    is the file in question

also the entrys are in numbers


these entrys are identical in both the box that is resolving names just
fine and the new box that is not resolving names.
the non-name resolvable box can ping the name servers fine

both boxes are on a network thru the same gateway box

is it a service somewhere that may not have been started, installed, or
setup correctly?
during the install I attempted to enter alternate sources (ftp) but they
failed and timed out due to the resolve problem. 
I ended up with a 71 meg install from only the 1st CD I think
 It works ... 
and it will force me to work from the ground up ... 
a learning experience I'm sure I will look back on and have fond
memories ...
HOWEVER currently 
it's just another brick in the wall .. so to speak <grin>

and yes I'd like a bit of cheese with that whine .. please

Sam Morgan

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