Running Debian 2.2 w/ kernel 2.4.1 and XFree86 4.0.2.  I've
had a lot of trouble getting KDE installed and running.  I
now have it limping along but everything isn't quite kosher.

First, XFree86 was loading into a default configuration
rather than starting KDE.  startx calls
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc, which is actually a link
to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.  That file simply calls
/etc/X11/Xsession.  Xsession is a maze of 'if' statements
that should determine which windows manager to call.  I
commented out the final section, which exec's
"$realstartup", and added a direct call to kdeinit.  This
works, in that I now get kde rather than a simple term when
XFree86 starts, but it's an ugly hack at best.  I'm running
kdm (more on that in a minute), so the machine goes straight
into XFree86.  With this configuration, where SHOULD kde be
started from?  Should there be a /root/.xsession which calls

The next problem is kdm.  It displays a graphical
representation of the machines users.  However, in my case
it also shows every directory immediately under the root:
bin, dev, home, etc. as if they were users.  I'm reasonably
sure that this isn't correct behavior.  I assume that kdm
should be looking under the /home directory and listing all
of the directories it finds there, and there's a
misconfigured or missing configuration file which is causing
it to look under / rather than /home.  I found kdm.options
and xdm-config under /etc/X11/kdm but neither seems to
affect this.  man kdm.options mentions nothing about users
or the home directories and there doesn't seem to be a man
page on xdm-config.

Finally, once I get into kde, my fonts look like crap.  Some
web pages are all but unreadable.  I've tried changing the
fonts, which helps things a little bit but it's still quite
horrible.  Does this setup not support anti-aliasing or is
there some problem with the fonts I have installed?  I
realize this isn't much info to go on, but I'm not sure what
else to include.

Thanks in advance for any assistance or hints on any of
these problems.

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