On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Richard  Taylor wrote:

> >Nothing in opensource is going to be close to DreamWeaver of course -yet
> >anyways.
> That depends on whether you hand write your code or let a
> wysiwyg editor approximate it for you.
> Most pros will tell you that the only proper code is hand
> written.
> Dreamweaver does do a nice job when it comes to working
> up sketches. Then you have to go back and put things together
> correctly.

Nada, a lot of pros use Dreamweaver as it's very good with code and server
side stuff, guess you haven't used UltraDev eh? ;)

I'm not involved in doing html stuff myself, I'm the sys admin, but the
company I work for has a division that does fortune 500 co's web sites and
they do use Dreamweaver Ultra Dev extensively. I don't think you'll find
many people hand coding a 500+ page website. ;)

Steve - ICQ 35454764
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