On Saturday 17 February 2001 09:33, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On 17 Feb 2001, Martin Albert wrote:
> > On Friday 16 February 2001 09:41, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > > I'm currently confused about X-4. I've been keeping up to date
> >
> > You're actually running the old 3.3.6 server, propably you didn't
> > install a new one. If you dare (no, it works, at least) do
> > apt-get install xserver-xfree86
> I've done this but I can't get it to work. I ran xf86config and
> produced an XF86Config-4 file, but this refuses to run, with numerous
> error messages (various sections should begin with "Driver.." etc.).
> I'll glady RTFM if there is one.

YOU're actually RUNning the OLD 3.3.6 server.
> My driver is xserver-svga 3.3.6X

(man dpkg ;-)
dpkg -l x\*

shows each package installed on your machine whose name starts with x.
(the \ before * is an 'escape character' for the shell; says 'don't use 
this char with a special meaning you have for it, pass it unchanged'.; 
here dpkg shall have arguments -l and x*. info bash or man bash).

If this gives so much output, that you cannot see the first lines, use

dpkg -l x\* | grep server

This passes all output, that dpkg produces through a pipe (told the 
shell with | symbol) to grep, which outputs only lines of input that 
have 'server' in them.

You will propably see one:

XF86-xxx        3.3.6

You need:

xserver-xfree86 4.0.x

apt-get install xserver-xfree86
(man apt, if you have info you may read all man pages with it too, if 
you like it better (i use both). Caveat: I don't understand apt's man 
page either ;)

Most interesting is a section each manpage has near its end:
SEE ALSO. This gives references to related programs and config files.

Once you installed xserver-, you can find lots of info in the directory
/usr/share/doc. Every package isntalls docs there. Mostly just 
copyright blurb, but sometimes a wealth of more or less usefull info. 
If indoubt, give it a try. For X there is a lot of info, eg. on the 
XF86Config file and the Device drivers.

greetings, martin

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