
I'm posting about a recent error in my daemon log that occurs every
other day stating:

modprobe can't locate module binfmt-002 (these numbers change)

The kernel source docs say that binfmt is used by the shell to start
other, I assume, non-native executables like DOS or Java, etc.

Now I've looked at my last kernel config file build and I have:


So I configured it in. But when I build modules, there are none for it.

I see no pattern to the error message and the only recent application I
can think of that was added was Netscape 476, could it be Java?

This is a fresh error, so did I forget something out of my config?
Should I add something, is it Netscape and I should now change

This is bugging me big time and any help appreciated.


 ____/~~(0)     Jonathan Gift
(_________|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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