>   From: "Keith G. Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Steve wrote:

>> It's like the argument that b4 good page layout apps like Quark were as
>> good as they are that the pros used to write their own postcript. Now most
>> pros use a professional page layout app like Quark because it truly is
>> WYSIWYG and almost no one writes their own postscript anymore. =)
>> Why? Because it's faster and makes fewer mistakes, in business time is
>> money.
>> That's why most pros now do use a quality html layout app like DreamWeaver
>> UltraDev, because it does the whole enchilada and is really very good.
>It's certain that purely hand-editing a large site wastes a lot of
>time.  But the thing left out of this discussion is templating systems

 It's not "certai" at all.

>like Template Toolkit.  They can get rid of all your redundant hand

 Like copy and paste.

>And HTML generation is easy to automate with one of those, where I'm
>sure postscript wouldn't be, so the above analogy doesn't really extend
>to those.
>Not saying UltraDev isn't good.  I rather liked the standard
>DreamWeaver, but I have no interest in a WYSIWYG tool now.


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