On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Shawn Urquhart wrote:

>I have a Corel distro on my laptop - it installed nicely with little
>input from me.

Unfortunately, that's true.  It just substituted it's judgement on your
hardware for yours.  That sucks when you know that yours is better...

>I have PURCHASED the Debian GNU/Linux from a store for 20 US. ( It came
>with a terrific bumper sticker!)

Ahh, the O'Reilly/SGI copy.

>I would like to replace Corel with Deb GNU and wondered if there were any
>pitfalls to be aware of.

Absolutely none.  the ORA and the Corel are based on the same libraries,
etc.  You can use packages from one in the other, assuming the
dependencies are fulfilled.  BTW, they're both one (almost two now)
distribution behind: they're both Slink (Debian 2.1) with 2.2 kernels,
Debian has since moved on to potato (2.2r2) and is in the process of
moving on again to woody.

>Please cc my address directly as well as the list - I have limited
>bandwidth for email and was overwhelmed by the list.
>I was not able to use apt-get with Corel - it seems to want a dedicated
>internet connect and I don't have that.

?!  The default apt configuration in Corel is the CD+the FTP site.
Comment out the "deb ftp... " line and it should work fine.  I think
you'll have the same problem with the ORA CD if the aforementioned is the
ONLY problem (the solution is similar).  Basically the reason it wants a
dedicated connection is that part of the use of apt is to efficently keep
your system updated from remote servers.  If it's simply a CD package
setup, dpkg or dselect is a much better option.

>Thanks !

I can be immature if I want to, because I'm mature enough to make my own

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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