On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Johnny Blade wrote:

>--- John Galt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 01:32:09 -0700 (MST)
>> Subject: Re: ethernet card installation
>> On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Johnny Blade wrote:
>> >I am new to Linux, and have recently installed
>> Debian.
>> > In my attempts to get connected to my school's
>> >ethernet, I have found that there is no /dev/eth*'s
>> on
>> >my system.
>> >
>> >I have one network card, a Netgear FA310TX.  I
>> found
>> >this card in a hardware list with the word "Tulip"
>> in
>> >parentheses next to it, so following the Ethernet
>> >HOWTO's instructions on how to use ethernet drivers
>> as
>> >modules I tried to install the card by adding an
>> alias
>> Did you first try to insmod/modprobe the module to
>> make sure it worked?
>I was able to modprobe many of the modules in my
>/lib/modules/<dist>/net directory successfully.  I'm
>clueless as to telling if this allowed the detection
>of my NIC.  I didn't see /dev/eth0 appear, and when I
>ran "modprobe --showconfig", one of the lines said
>"alias eth0 off".  That line is nowhere in my
>modules.conf, so I don't know where that's coming

insmod tulip is the only one needed...

>Would I even see a /dev/eth0 appear after modprobe'ing
>the correct driver?  I'm not sure what I'm looking

Look at ifconfig rather than in /dev

>As far as updating the kernel goes, does the 2.4.2
>kernel work ok with the potato dist?  I'm currently
>running 2.2.18pre21.

Look in the archives.  Adrian Bunk has packaged waht you need to use 2.4
kernels with potato.

>Thanks for your help so far!
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Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!!!

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