
I'm trying to enable frame-buffer support while configuring kernel-source-2.4.18, but all I get is a greyed-out list of choices in xconfig.

This is what I've done....

a) installed kernel-source-2.4.18, kernel-patches for debianlogo
and preempt (official debian patches), nvidia-glx-1.0.2880,
nvidia-kernel-src.tar.gz and acpi-20020918-2.4.18.diff.gz, all
in /usr/src.
b) cd /usr/src and...
ln -s kernel-source-2.4.18 linux
gunzip acpi-20020918-2.4.18.diff.gz
cd linux
patch -p1 < ../acpi-20020918-2.4.18.diff
c) added the following lines to the end of /etc/kernel-pkg.conf...
patch_the_kernel := YES
config_target := xconfig
d) in /usr/src/linux did "make-kpkg kernel_image --added-patches debianlogo,preempt" which adds the
debian patches and executes xconfig

...and that's about as far as I get. I can't see what choices I've made that could have disabled frame-buffer and I can't find any relevent patches.
Has anyone got any ideas how I can get this working?


p.s. I tried kernale-source-2.4.20 but the appropriate acpi patch wouldn't apply and frame-buffer was disabled anyway.

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