hi ....
the tool you may be lookin for is resize_reiserfs...
but i must say i don't know if it resizes the entry in your partition table
or if you must do that by hand ?
another tool could be gnu parted ( but i don't know how to use that either
ok now to the point i wanted to make...

im using reiserfs with lvm ( logical volume manager )....
in that combination it's quite easy resizing your partition....

take a look at


there's a little introduction from a friendly debian user ( not in resizing
but in setting up lvm with reiserfs ) !! i started with this and it worked
fine :-)

if you finally got lvm installed ( i see you have 10G to play with ) and have
your first physical volumes , volume groups and logical volumes you can
easily resize a logical volume with lvextend and than resize the
reiserfs with resize_reiserfs...
lvm is very very powerful ( creating logical volumes over 2 or more
harddrives etc.. )

try it out....

if you have further questions don't mind asking me ( im not a crack but i did
it recently )...

cu peter

On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:26, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> I am experimenting with resierfs and have successfully created a resier
> partition onto which I copies my Debian root filesystem. Everything works
> really well, except that now I want to delete my old ext2 partition and
> extend the new reiser partition to use up the freespace.
> I have spent ages trying to find out exactly what to do. I understand I
> can grow the reiser partition by adding a mount command to my /etc/fstab.
> The problem I have is what to put as the 'blocks' entry.
> Currently I have:
> hda2                          Primary   Win95 FAT32  6325.25
> hda4        Boot        Primary   Linux     3569.78
> hda5                    Logical   Linux ext2  10594.17
> I want to remove /dev/hda5 and grow /dev/hda4 (reiserfs) to fill the
> space.
> df gives me:
> /dev/hda4              3485968   2311752   1174216  67% /
> /dev/hda5             10187124   2466712   7410040  25% /mnt
> Can anyone help? Hold my hand a little?!
> Many thanks.

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