On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 03:05:39PM +0000, Philipp Bliedung wrote:
> Hi,
> I have simple question concerning compiling a programm ....
> When I compile a program from the sources and it beakes for whatever
> reason, how can I get rid of all the files that were created so far or
> how can I remove this 'broken' program ?  Is there anything like
> 'apt-get -f install' which is used for .deb files ?
> And how can I find out if a new version of a package, for example libc6,
> depends on any other package? For example I tried to compile a
> movie-player but it needed a newer version of libc6, which I don't have,
> so how can I find out if I need any other package for libc6 to work?
> (I'm still using the 2.2.17 kernel...)

Someone may have written a script to remove 'broken' builds but I just
search for the files and remove them manually.  It sounds like the
package didn't even build so you could just remove the directory the
source unpacked in and the source and it should be gone.    

For your purposes check dependencies at -

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
     First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

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