I feel so stupid.  Next time I'll do my homework a little better.

Thanks Martin Würtele.  I didn't know that there was a
"scp" command for secure copies.  Works OK.

Thanks Carel Fellinger.  Your response got me thinking,
and after checking, I don't have a "fptd" installed!!

I installed "profptd" and all is well in ftp land.

Thanks for the quick responses.

Christopher W. Aiken
Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2_r2

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Christopher W. Aiken wrote:

->Due to my office firewall and office policies I can not
->FTP files to my office PC.  However I can ssh into my
->office and then "rlogin" to my office PC.  At that point
->I can use the IP address assigned to me by my ISP (info
->from the ifconfig command )and FTP back to my home.
->The problem is when I FTP back to my home in Debian I get
->a "connection refused" message.  With SuSE and FreeBSD the
->connection is made and I can transfer files back and forth.
->What am I missing in Debian?

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