
I am going after my first attempt to compile a kernel under Debian. As
suggested, I went to debian.org and found the 2.2.18 source, and apt-get
install(ed) it. It of course ended up in /usr/src as a .tar.gz2 file. I then
per instructions from docs on the CD of my original install, chown
/usr/local/src to my non-root acct. cd'd to it, but when I tried to tar
-xvfz /usr/src/kernel...tar.bz2 I was told that it couldn't decompress the
file. How do I get the source into /usr/local/src?

On a somewhat related subject, I read in the docs a bit about .deb files
piling up. Should I go in and rm * the cache dir? Do I need them for
anything once the packages are installed?

     Hey! It happens. Well it does...

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