
On Sun 25 Feb 01,  9:20 PM, Carel Fellinger said: 
> <rant>
> And that's why so many have problems with it, they refuse to RTFM!
> There is no need whatsoever to have any problems with GPM and X,
> just follow the examples and try to read the manpage for a change.
> <\rant>
i think we all know the saying "man pages are great for reference, but
sometimes suck to learn from".

try to re-read the man page for gpm with the mindset of someone who doesn't
know what gpmdata is or what "repeating" means.   if you can do this
honestly, i'll bet you'll find that the information is there, but requires a
definite leap of intuition.  the man page definitely makes the possibility
of conflict known.  it just isn't supremely clear about how to resolve the

perhaps the answer is to make "repeat_type=raw" in the default gpm.conf, and
to use type=protocol to specify the mouse protocol in XF86Config-4.

if you can configure your consol mouse during installation, it seems to me
that this would guarentee no problems with the mouse during X.


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