hi mike,

i read your email and found it very useful.  a few questions remain:

>       If you run> lsmod it will show you all loaded modules(e.g. eepro)
> and > modprobe -l will show all your available modules.
>       When the kernel needs a feature that is not resident in the kernel, it
> sends a request to Kmod, which then uses modprobe to load a module.
>       Modprobe looks for an alias line in /etc/modules.conf to find a
> match,

can you be more precise about this step?  looking through /etc/modules.conf,
i assume kmod hands modprobe something like:

        "char-major-10-130", "/dev/ppp" or "cipher-3"

and then modprobe finds the lines:

        alias cipher-3    fish2
        alias /dev/ppp    ppp_generic
        alias char-major-10-130 softdog

and then hands "fish2.o", "ppp_generic.o" and "softdog.o" to insmod?

> and insmod is then asked to insert the module the kernel needs.
>       You do not edit /etc/modules.conf directly, but instead put the alias
> lines (alias eth0 eepro.o) in /etc/modutils and then run> update-modules
> which regenerates the correct alias in /etc/modules.conf.

just for my own knowledge, is this (running update-modules to update
modules.conf) the way things are done on other distributions too?

>        When the modules are installed a dependency file is created with
>  depmod in /lib/modules/*version*/modules.dep, so modprobe knows all the
>  correct modules it needs to load for a requested feature.

so make modules_install runs depmod -a automatically?

>       There is another file you can edit directly: /etc/modules with
> any modules to be loaded at boot time. So these are always loaded, where 
> as the modules in /etc/modules.conf are loaded only when needed.

again, just for my own curiosity, do other distributions also autoload
modules on boot using /etc/modules?

thank you for posting this email.  i found it extremely helpful.


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