To quote "Rainer Mager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# David (and all),
#       Thanks for the reply. The part about mixing hand built stuff with
# in concerning as I do this quite often. The number of available
packages is
# encouraging but, nonetheless, I know occasions will arise. I've had to
# build/install by hand X, glibc, postgres, the kernel, gcc, freeamp,
# others because of needing bleeding edge versions that fix bugs or
# in debugging the current version, I needed a non-stripped binary.
#       Although the automatic installation abilities of apt sound nice, I
# that I usually want to actually download the, in my case, RPM so that
I can
# use it on multiple machines. That is, I question the benefit of this
for me.
#       Anyway, I wall continue to explore this and, once again, thanks for
# info.

Well, unless you need CVS stuff, there's the unstable variant of Debian,
Sid. Heck, it even has some CVS stuff :) For a while, KDE2 was from

Anyways, there are plenty of bleeding-edge packages in Sid. Woody is
supposed to be more "tame" than Sid, and Potato is really meant for
servers, where things *can't* change out from underneath you. It sounds
like you have the requisite skills to run a Sid system, so I'd suggest

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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