I use potato on a laptop and my laptop is on only when i'm using it. 
When I start, cron launches various task (too many at the same time) and take a 
big part of the CPU. 

It's crazy : you turn your computer 2 minutes on (you do near nothing), cron 
works. After a night you turn on your laptop another time (no big changes has 
occured during the last session) and cron restart everything.

Is there a way to better configure cron for a laptop usage?
- limit CPU usage ?
- start daily script only after an amount of cumulled (i'm not sure it's an 
english word, i mean the sum of previous uptime) uptime.


Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer
Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric
92110 Clichy - France
phone (33).
fax (33).

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