Hi Gonzalez,

> You know like in Windows (or /etc/resolv.conf for us)
> when you specify a "Primary DNS Server" ... like so
> that when you type in www.yahoo.com the proper page
> comes up?  I want to set up one of those types of
> machines.  I believe such a server is called a
> "resolver" or a "resolving and caching server" or
> something ... please correct me if I'm wrong, please.

thats the line in the /etc/bind/named.conf:

forwarders {

later you need two zone files called in your named.conf for your local
network, one for resolving and one for reverse-lookup, eg:

zone "your-domain.de" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.your-domain.de";

zone "10.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.192.168.10";

then you need two new files wich are mentioned in the zone-entries above
and they have to be setup like this:


@       IN SOA your-server.your-domain.de. root.your-domain.de. (
        951213 ; serial number
        43200 ; refresh every 12 hours
        7200 ; retry after 2 hours
        1209600 ; expire after 2 weeks
        172800) ; default ttl is 2 days

@                       IN      NS      your-server.your-domain.de.
                        IN      MX 100  mail.your-domain.de.

gateway                 IN      A
workstation             IN      A


@       IN SOA your-server.your-domain.de root.your-domain.de. (
        951213 ; serial number
        43200 ; refresh every 12 hours
        7200 ; retry after 2 hours
        1209600 ; expire after 2 weeks
        172800) ; default ttl is 2 days

@       IN NS   your-server.your-domain.de.
1       IN PTR  gateway.your-domain.de.
2       IN PTR  workstation.your-domain.de.

...then type a "ndc restart" at your command-line as root and you have a
working dns with a forwarder to your provider. if you are offline you
will get a little resolving-error but thats all.

Hope that helps, for any further questions just ask :-)

Joris Mocka, Leiter Abt. IuK
SBF Gruppe              Tel: +49 211 20 99 51 31
Steinhof 51             Fax: +49 211 20 99 51 88
D-40699 Erkrath         http://www.sbf.de

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