On Wed 28 Feb 01,  8:34 AM, Andrew n marshall said: 
>   Originally, I didn't think this was a SMP problem because of the Windows
> crashes and becuase Linux crashed many times before I added the SMP kernel
> (but after I installed the secnd processor).  When I did finally get
> around to installing SMP and reading the HowTo, I began using the
> "mem=255M" kernel parameter which vastly improved the situation.
>   I will mention that the most common activity just prior to a
> freeze/reboot, is playing with dselect, debian's console based front-end
> to the package manager.

a single user space program shouldn't 'cause' the reboot or freeze.

>   Now I am down to one or two reboots/freezes a week, but I don't know
> where to look next.  I have double checked my BIOS for allt he
> recommendations listed in the HowTo, and I haven't found any error
> messages in any of the logs during any freeze or reboot.  Where can I look
> for clues?

are you sure it's a complete freeze?  does the kernel generate an oops?
can you ssh into your machine?

occam's razor says that you have faulty RAM or firmware.   the problem is
almost certain to be with your hardware, not linux.

try opening a bunch of netscapes and star offices.  does the freeze happen?
that would point to memory.

here's what i would do.

1. swap all the ram.  see if that helps.
2. remove one device.  wait a week.  if problem persists, put the device
     back and remove a different one.
3. repeat step 2 until you run out of devices.

4. if you still haven't found the problem, it's probably your motherboard.


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