On Wednesday 28 February 2001 13:33, Leonard Leblanc wrote:
> I am currently running a Debian 2.2 box as my DNS/www/ftp/ssh/etc etc
> etc... Anyway the DNS lookup is working fine except for when the
> internal machines try to look up 'www.emergeknowledge.com' which is
> essentially local.  When I am working from home (yes i get to
> telecommute 4 days a week :))  I can get to the web-site with no lag
> whatsoever.  This leads me to believe that is has something to do
> with the reverse DNS lookup? (i think)  Can someone please get back
> to me on this one?  Any information will be helpful.  I've read all
> the how-tos and tutorials I can get my hands on, but just can't seem
> to figure this one out....


;; ANSWER SECTION:  1H IN PTR  64-59-157-18.ivideon.com.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dig soa

157.59.64.in-addr.arpa.  1H IN SOA  ns1.ivideon.com. isp.videon.ca. (

Looks like your upstream has not made a reverse DNS entry for your 
domain.  That can cause all kinds of subtle and not so subtle problems.

Bud Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.sirinet.net/~budr
All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

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