when using mutt under termtype 'linux' (i.e. `setenv TERM linux`)
mutt's headers and 'active selection' bars flash, driving me
nuts. when i change to `setenv TERM vt220-color` it's a nice,
calm green and blue, with no flash.

but then less complains that my terminal type 'is not fully
functional' (reminds me of the tasha yar/data tryst on NextGen).

anybody got some ideas on how to have mutt display colors without
the flash mode?

here's the relevant portion of ~/.muttrc --

        # COLORS (thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED] !)
        color  hdrdefault      brightgreen     black
        color  header          brightyellow    black   "^from:"
        mono   header          bold                    "^from:"
        color  header          brightyellow    black   "^subject:"
        mono   header          bold                    "^subject:"
        color  header          brightcyan      black  "^to:"
        color  header          brightcyan      black  "^date:"
        color  header          brightcyan      black  "^x-mailer:"
        color  quoted          white           black
        color  signature       brightgreen     black
        color  indicator       brightblue      brightgreen
        color  error           brightred       black
        mono   error           bold
        color  status          brightgreen     brightblue
        color  tree            brightmagenta   black
        color  tilde           brightmagenta   black

        color  body            brightyellow    black 
(((ht|f)tps?)|mailto):(//)?[^\ "\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\ .,;\t>">]
        mono   body            bold (((ht|f)tps?)|mailto):(//)?[^\ 
"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\ .,;\t>">]
        color  body            brightwhite     black "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        mono   body            bold "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        color  body            brightyellow    black   "^Good signature"
        mono   body            bold                    "^Good signature"
        color  body            brightwhite     red     "^Bad signature from.*"
        mono   body            bold                    "^Bad signature from.*"

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