How do you setup plugins to work with mozilla?  I use the nightly
builds, and when I load mozilla, it finds all the plugins and registers
them.  However, the help applications aren't listed like they are in
netscape and plugins don't seem to work.  Specifically the realplayer
plugin.  I'm not sure about java (I d/led it) or acroread.  I just
copied the plugin info out of netscape dirs into the
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins dir.  Is there something I'm missing?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]              2001-02 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber          |       L    I  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055                        |       L    I  N NN  U U   X
                                    |       LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
                                    |          Those who can, do.

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