On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Mircea Luca wrote:

> would guess
> that a dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq xpm4g will help here.

(It didn't, actually.)
But thanks for giving me the hint where to look -- I fixed all but one
dependency problem by copying all my archive .debs into /tmp, and doing
a:             dpkg -i --force-conflicts ./*deb
on the lot of them together, and let them fight it out amongst

This then left me with dependency problems with only one package --
xbase-clients -- which I *think* I've solved by a simultaneous forced
apt-get install of xbase-clients and xserver-xfree86.
(At least the install process didn't bitch about anything and exited
Unfortunately, by this time I'd uninstalled most of my xfonts -- so
I'll let the list know if it worked when I've got them back in place.

> only dpkg --force-help will get you out of this.

Very true. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Martin Wheeler       -        StarTEXT - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
[1] [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   http://www.startext.co.uk/

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