On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 10:35:23PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 07:29:21AM +0000, Matthew Sackman wrote:
> > > 
> > > /usr/bin/yes make backups\!\!\!
> > 
> > I'm a student = have no money for backup devices. Plus I'm still really
> > pissed off that I bought a 10gig 7200 rpm seagate about 3 days before a big
> > thread in here on how unreliable seagates are. Agh!
> > 
> > Plus I have no IDE slots left so would have to buy a SCSI = very expensive.
> > poo :-(
> well in this case you should split off your partitions, create
> seperate / /tmp /usr /var and /home partitions.  then backup /var (or
> just /var/lib/dpkg) to /home/backup/  *usually* filesystem corruption
> does not end up wrecking all your filesystems at the same time, so if
> only /var gets trashed (in this case) you still have a backup in
> /home/backup.  
> if the disk dies your screwed, but this method protects you from
> filesystem corruption fairly well.  

Well yes: currently I use eight partitions, including one /misc which I
can use for backups of non-really-big stuff:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb8              1542156    326000   1216156  22% /
/dev/hdb5                15522      2674     12047  19% /boot
/dev/hdb7              1028092    110340    917752  11% /misc
/dev/hdb9              4883556   1128692   3754864  24% /usr
/dev/hdd5               101485        29     96216   1% /tmp
/dev/hdd6               512012    116200    395812  23% /root
/dev/hdd7               717636    486296    231340  68% /var
/dev/hdd8              1552236    993120    559116  64% /home

When /var went down, I was able to tar and bzip2 up /home /etc /root
and drop them into a windows partition which meant that I lost no real
work - only work done on setting up debian was lost - no school work
or such like. Unfortunately, I did have to let go to my mp3 collection:
bzip2 couldn't handle a tar file that big....!
But yes, I suppose the only precaution I can take is to back up the
very important stuff to /misc. I guess I really should write a script
to do that and then fire it off from cron every couple of days....

Any ideas about an effective scipt to do this? Any recommended programs?


PS: One other advantage of partitioning this heavily is that when I was
writing some web perl scripts a couple of months ago and made a recursive
error, /var rapidly filled as apache got screwed with firing out error
messages. But the machine didn't crash: I suspect things would have got
a lot nastier if I hadn't got /var on a seperate partition.


Matthew Sackman

Using Debian/GNU Linux
Enjoying computing

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