Well, I needed a bunch of library packages from the
unstable (Woody) release, so I tried using apt-get
to do it, and it decided I needed to upgrade the X
packages as well.  So okay, I wanted 4.0 anyway, but
here's the problem (after eliminating some intervening

$ X > /tmp/x.out 2>&1
X: Cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory),

(This test was recommended by the Xfree86 HOWTO -- the
same thing happens with startx, and xdm, while it
doesn't visibly complain, also doesn't work -- no
errors, but no visible effects either, after a few
minutes it shuts down again).

Indeed, there is no /etc/X11/X, but I don't know what
should be there.  Is it a symlink?  If so, to what?

I believe xf86config was run during the install
process, as I had to answer some questions about my
video card, mouse, and monitor. Of course, I was
previously using XF86Setup, so the interface has
changed visibly from what I was used to -- but it
appeared to be pretty much the same information.

Now, of course, I did not force all of packages to
upgrade to Woody, just the ones following the
dependencies I needed, but I think I have all the
new X packages despite the changes (but something
could've fallen through the cracks).

Please CC me -- I'm using a Yahoo mailer because my
usually mail system is down too.  Fortunately Lynx
still works! :D

Terry Hancock
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