on Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 10:30:55PM -0500, Glenn Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> This is in the way of a partial followup to an earlier query of mine about
> locales and locale definitions ...
> I managed to change LC_ALL back to what I understand to be the default
> value, "C" ... 
> HOWEVER, I'm experiencing some weird substitutions in Netscape. Simple-ish
> international characters from languages like French and Spanish are being
> replaced by Chinese characters.
> A good example is the "This page is also available in the following
> languages" row at the bottom of the http://www.debian.org page. If <C> is
> understood to represent a Chinese character, what I see on my screen
> instead of "Espanol" is "Espa<C>l" ... and what I see instead of
> "Francais" is "Fran<C>is". 
> This even appears when I view source for the page. It seems that pairs of
> characters are being interpreted as Chinese, which makes sense when you
> realize that Asian character sets are double-byte. But why is this
> replacement happening, and how can I keep it from happening?
> Thanks in advance for any enlightenment. I will cross post on some of the
> i18n lists.
> Glenn Becker Online Producer, Community

What's the output of the following:

    $ locale


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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