on Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 08:09:56AM -0800, Ian Thomas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>     I have a copy of Debian 2.1 Slink that I am trying
> to install to a second harddrive.
>     I just recently found out on a website that cfdisk
> cannot create extended partitions.  I attempted to do
> this when I was installing by changing the partition
> type to extended, but when it wrote the table it still
> had them listed as linux native.  This is what I want
> to do..
> hdb1 (this is already my freebsd swap partition)
> hdb2 /boot (this will be a primary partition)
> hdb3 (extended partition containing logical slices)
> hdb5 / 
> hdb6 /var 
> hdb7 /tmp
> hdb8 /home
> hdb9 /usr 
>     My swap space will go on my third drive.  I
> thought about just doing Alt-Ctrl-F2 to get a prompt,
> run fdisk and create the partition table that way,
> then continue with the curses based install.  Is that
> correct?  Also I have read that linux cannot boot from
> an extended partition, is this true?  If not I can put
> all of the slices in one exteneded partition.  If I am
> using the wrong terminology it is because I have only
> really used BSD's and am used to disklabel.

There are several HOWTOs addressing partitioning issues, including some
thoughts on arranging partitions across one or more disks for optimal
performance (unless you're doing high-end processing you'll likely not

I've compiled my own notes at


...regarding suggested sizes.

Your thoughts on switching to a shell during the install process and
creating your partitions is a good method.  I believe recent Debian
installs also provide the option to run a partitioning utility during
the installation process.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?       There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/         http://www.kuro5hin.org

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