On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, F. Heitkamp wrote:

>I have a mostly working Linux setup that I have
>maintained and upgraded over the years using
>sources I've compiled and installed.
>I want to use apt so that I can test and checkout
>various applications and can remove them easily
>if I no longer need, or don't like them.
>How can I tell apt/dselect not to mess with the
>base system?

echo "base-config hold"|dpkg --set-selections

>What would really be nice is a gui program that
>you could just check off the packages that you
>don't want touched or upgraded.  I know that
>probably doesn't exist, but just being able to
>do it manually would be nice too.
>Also is there a option for dpkg that just lets
>you test a package?  I sometimes download .debs
>and would like to know if they downloaded OK.

dpkg --no-act


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