also sprach Lee Elliott (on Mon, 05 Mar 2001 03:18:35AM +0000):
> Ah, yes.  Sorry, I keep forgetting to replace the replyto on this list.

and you keep forgetting to use the "include message in reply" feature
correctly, just like most other people:

> > > > > > on Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 12:03:02PM -0500, Fu-Dong Chiou ([EMAIL 
> > > > > > PROTECTED]
> > > > > > edu) wrote:
> > > > > > > Hi,

is this necessary?

please guys, 7 levels of replies???

it doesn't take much to delete irrelvant junk.

> > > > > map=/boot/map
> > > >   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > > > Is this the system map you're referring to?

i hope not. /boot/map and are very different.

/boot/map is the boot sector map while map memory
instructions to kernel instructions.

if you have multiple kernels, installing multiple System.maps in the
form of


will do what you want.

do not mess with /boot/map.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
no keyboard present.
press f1 to continue.
zen engineering. 

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