also sprach pplaw (on Mon, 05 Mar 2001 04:09:33PM +0000):
> i can ping all key players--myself, the lan, and the
> isp....(i didn't know pinging could be this
> beautiful).

true. true.

> martin, thanks again.

no prob. someone helped me with that too at one point. since then i
can do routing tables in hebrew, reverse, while on drugs, standing on
my head, and during REM phase of sleep. the beauty of people out there
knowing the stuff. but mostly the beauty of *nix - because i couldn't
have told you jack if you had asked me to help you with a "user
friendly, revolutionary, (butt-ugly), graphical interface" <fill in
the blank>. i doubt micros~1 people even know what routing is...

if you do get a chance to play with a windoze machine, look at the
output of route.exe. then laugh with me :)


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
"in any hierarchy, each individual rises
 to his own level of incompetence,
 and then remains there."
                                                             -- murphy

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