lilo uses hex notation...I can't remember if it'd be 0x09 or just 0x9.

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Jonathan Matthews wrote:

>I'd like to have vga=9 (132Xsomething_or_other) in lilo.conf, but '9' as
>an option only crops up after a manual 'scan' at the "Press ENTER or
>type SCAN to . . " prompt.
>Lilo complains if I put vga=9 in, as it appears to be an invalid mode,
>but it works after I 'scan' for possible video modes.
>Any ideas on how to make it work nicely, without my having to be there
>at the console at boot time?

FINE, I take it back: UNfuck you!

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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