On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 11:06:24PM +0200, Daniel Mashao scripsit:
> Hi,
> I cannot install real player because the Debian install program says
> "You are running in non-interactive mode ..."
> What? I am running in an interactive mode I thought. Anybody see this
> error anywhere?

 I got the same problem. It seems to be a problem in deboconf and
realplayer installer procedure. I'll try to fill a bugreport, but for
now here is how I did.

  1. run 
       dpkg-reconfigure debconf 
     to reconfigure the debconf package. Answer 'low' to the question
     about the level of questions that should be ignored. Also answer
     'No' to 'preconfigure packages' and 'yes' to 'should debconf ask 
     you the same questions again and again?'.
  2. Install realplayer by

       apt-get install realplayer

     (or by using dselect)

  3. (optional) set back debconf to standard mode. This must be done
     by running 
         dpkg-reconfigure debconf 
     two times:
       - the first one let the level to low and answer 'yes' to
         'preconfigure packages' and 'No' to 'repat the same
       - the second time set the level to 'medium'.

     You need to do this in to pass, because if you set the level to 
     medium directly, then you'll not see the two other questions and
     you'll not able toi set back to default value their options.

 Hoping this helps.

Leo TheHobbit 
IRCnet #flct,#roma2
ICQ 56656060

Version: 3.1
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