Brian Murphy wrote:
> Not trying to start a flame war, but I have a legitimate question that has
> been kicked around a little, but not to my satisfaction :).  What are the
> chances that the installation procedure will improve in woody versus what is
> currently in the potatoe distribution?
> snip  
>I am a very new debian user, but I
> great need for work to be done in network card identifciation and X Server
> card identification.  Deb is the first distribution in a LONG time that I
> had to manually select the kernel module for my network card and mess around
> with the XF86Config file to get Xwindows running......why is that?
> I have ranted on long enough.  I am really interested in hearing what other
> people think about this.  Maybe I am really off base here, but I don't think
> so.
        I have to agree with this in general. Just try the Stormix/Debian
installer. For the newbie it does everything you ask and its completely
Debian. So once you are up and running you apt-get from the Debian
mirrors and away you go.
        The Debian rite of initiation is what keeps a lot of people
away from Debian, but maybe that is what's intended....  sort of
like if you can't install it, maybe you should stick with something
easier attitude, or perhaps its because there's no commercial incentive to
get people to use Debian.

LINUX~~nobody owns it~~everybody can use it~~anybody can improve it

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