On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Randolph S. Kahle wrote:

> Can someone tell me if they have had success
> running VMware on Debian 2.2(r2)?

I have it mostly working, but with a few minor problems.  For one, I
haven't gotten sound working.  I'm not sure whether it's Debian or a
hardware problem (I switched hardware and distro at the same time, and I
don't completely trust the sound), and I haven't been terribly motivated
to look into it as much as I should.  It also wants me to rerun
vmwareconfig.pl after each reboot, but I think that has to do with my
self-compiled kernel (mis-)configuration.  It suffices for what I do
with it.

Good luck,

 From the Desktop of Rich Renomeron
 Aren't these one-line witticisms pretentious?

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