On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 01:29:01PM -0800, Joe Emenaker wrote:
> This isn't really a debian question as much as a Solaris question, but I'm
> not sure the Solaris people would understand what I'm trying to describe.
> Does anyone know of a tool like 'dselect' (or even 'dpkg') that I could use
> on a Solaris box for adding/removing packages? It seems unlikely that
> someone hasn't started making systems for package management for platforms
> other than linux distributions.
> - Joe
on Solaris 8 we see:

 man -k pkg
pkgadd          pkgadd (1m)     - transfer software packages to the system
pkgask          pkgask (1m)     - stores answers to a request script
pkgchk          pkgchk (1m)     - check package installation accuracy
pkginfo         pkginfo (1)     - display software package information
pkginfo         pkginfo (4)     - package characteristics file
pkgmap          pkgmap (4)      - package contents description file
pkgmk           pkgmk (1)       - produce an installable package
pkgparam        pkgparam (1)    - display package parameter values
pkgproto        pkgproto (1)    - generate prototype file entries for input to 
pkgmk command
pkgrm           pkgrm (1m)      - remove a package from the system
pkgtrans        pkgtrans (1)    - translate package format

look at 'admintool' for gui software administration. 

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