On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 02:45:06PM -0700, Eric Richardson wrote:
> 1. Does the order matter? Will it look to cd first if the cd entry is
> first in the file and then online second?

I'm not entirely sure if order matters or not - I generally only keep
the cdrom entries in there until I have the network working, then I
comment 'em out, and let apt grab what it needs over the
network. (That way I only need my install cds around for the base
installation =) )

> 2. My setup says potato but should it say stable? Does this have the
> consequence that if testing becomes stable I would get an upgrade? With
> potato in the file will no upgrade occur?

Correct - if you track by distribution name (slink, potato, woody,
sid, etc...) you'll stay with that particular distribution.  If you
track by the meta-name (for lack of a better term ;) ) (stable,
testing, unstable) you'll get the upgrade to the next step up when
they switch. (IE: if you use "potato" you'll always get "potato"
packages, but if you use "stable", then when woody becomes stable,
you'll get upgraded to woody.)

> 3. I want the security updates so is the default entry fine?

Yep - AFAIK that's the only place to get 'em. =)

> 4. I should be at version 2.2r2 as I did an update from r0. Should the
> kernel be 2.2.18 as it seems this is in the proposed changes or should I
> stick with 2.2.17?

Hmm...IIRC, potato installed (for me) with a 2.2.18-pre kernel - I've
since upgraded my server box (basic potato with some stuff from woody
and unstable as necessary) to 2.2.18 final, and my laptop (tracking
unstable) to a combination of 2.2.18 final (everything works) and
2.4.2 (still working on sound and irda).  No problems, although I
still haven't done things the "debian way", instead preferring to
install the new kernel myself =) Haven't run into any issues, and it
taught me a LOT about the hardware in the 2 machines.
> I know these questions are basic but thanks for the help.

Hey - we're all newbies at some point =)


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