Le mar, 13 mar 2001 09:02:54, kmself@ix.netcom.com a écrit :

> You mentioned specifically gnome-terminal.  Do the characters display
> correctly elsewhere -- say, xterm, rxvt, or the system console?

In fact, if I type an accented char in gnome-terminal, it IS displayed. I
checked the font, and it supports french accents (even euro).
But when I get an error displayed by, say, apt-get, accented characters are
replaced by ? in the output.

> If gnome-terminal is the odd man out, I'd start focussing on it.  Fonts?
> Hmmm...yeah, what are your font settings for gnome-terminal and sawfish
> window titles/decorations?  Do these charactersets have the accented
> characters you need?

I think it doesn't come from gnome-terminal, but a more indepth library...
(just a feeling)
Font for sawfish is fr_FR ISO-8859-15 compliant too... So it should display

Well, I gess I will do without it, until some magic (or a lucky apt-get
upgrade) makes it work again !! (it used to work on my machine...)

(unless you have another idea !)

Thank you again.


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