Nico De Ranter wrote:
> Howdy,
> I'm installing a little ppp server for a special project. The ppp daemon
> needs to be started by a non-root user. I've added the user to the dialout
> group however the default permission are:
> crw-r-----    1 root     dialout    4,  64 Nov 30 16:23 /dev/ttyS0
> in stead of
> crw-rw----    1 root     dialout    4,  64 Nov 30 16:23 /dev/ttyS0
> I tried chmod but the next time I reboot the permissions are reset to
> crw-r----- again.  How can I switch off this behaviour?  Having the user
> log in as root is really not an option.

if it were my box i'd just make a script and have it execute as the last thing
on boot and change the permissions back.


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