On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 08:35:44AM -0500, Arcady Genkin wrote:
> Having replaced exim with qmail yesterday, I'd like to deal with the
> loggin issues, since qmail's logging is quite verbose.  I notice that
> it logs seemingly identical information to all of the:
> /var/log/syslog
> /var/log/mail.info
> /var/log/mail.log
> and it logs identical error messages to both:
> /var/log/mail.warn
> /var/log/mail.err

You can fix this by editing /etc/syslog.conf to taste.  See man
syslog.conf.  But read on ...
> I find this to be a bit excessive.  A look at /etc/init.d/qmail shows
> three options of handling the logging, the default one being the one
> that produces all this stuff.  What are you guys using to keep the
> mail logs sane?

Don't use splogger at all ... use multilog.  Multilog and friends are
part of the daemontools suite; there's an installer pkg in unstable or
it's easy enough to compile and install if you follow the directions
found at http://cr.yp.to/

To get qmail all set up with multilog I like this page:
> Also, one of the options offers to pipe the logging info through
> `accustamp' program.  I cannot find in which package the program is.
> A google search reveals that it comes as part of `qmailanalog'
> package, but it seems that this one is not available as a deb or a
> deb-src package (correct me if I'm wrong).

accustamp is outdated.  If you want tai timestamps you need to use
tai64n which is in daemontools ... might as well use multilog if you
install daemontools and avoid syslog altogether.
> p.s. Why is the default configuration of a newly-installed qmail (from
> package) TOTALLY EMPTY?  Not even a "me" file: qmail-send refuses to
> start without it.  Also, anyone know why the auto-configuration
> scripts that come with qmail distribution are excluded from the
> package?  They are referenced to all over the documentation...

I didn't have much luck with the qmail installer package so I compiled
it myself and am quite happy with it.

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Inc.                 | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

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