Lewis, James M. wrote:
> Thanks, but that doesn't seem to work for me.!?  I'm at a loss
> as to why.  more info:
>    cddbcmd -h freedb.freedb.org:8880 -l 3 -d sites     # works
>    cddbcmd -h freedb.freedb.org:888 -l 3 -d sites     # works
>    cddbcmd -h freedb.freedb.org:8880 -l 4 -d sites     # works
>    cddbcmd -h freedb.freedb.org:888 -l 4 -d sites     # works
>    cddbcmd -h freedb.freedb.org:8880 -d sites     # works
>    cddbcmd -h freedb.freedb.org:888 -d sites     # works
> If I use ca.freedb.org and -l 4, I get a protocol level error.
> I have tried freedb.freedb.org, freedb.freedb.org:8880, and
> freedb.freedb.org:888 and none of them seem to work in grip..??
> Any ideas what I can try next?

What, if any, errors do you encounter?  "Doesn't work" is kinda broad, after
all. :)  FWIW I'm using 2.95-4 from sid and cddb was working just fine last
time I used grip.
> systems are potato and woody/unstable, grip version 2.95-helix1 (potato)
> and 2.91-1 (woody/unstable).

Uhh ... woody and unstable are no longer the same thing.  woody is now
testing, and sid is unstable.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
                      | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E            | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV         | beginning of all unwisdom.

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