Nick wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have an internal network setup behind linux on a single static IP
> I am having problem reolving names but can ping IP's numericaly.
> I set up dhcp to allocate throught the internal network
> Then I setup ipchains very basic, just to get it all going
> ipchains -P forward DENY
> ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
> kernel is set to forward, echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> So I can ping from an internal machine to any global IP address, but when it
> comes to ping, get a bad host message.
> Using as gateway for internal machines
> looked at /etc/resolv.conf,  looks ok
> /etc/hosts
> /etc/network/interfaces all good too
> route tables look ok
> have line for dhcp windozs
> default gateway ok
> I can ping domain names and ip address from the linux firewall.
> Just doesn't seem to want to forward those requests for the internal network
> HELP!!!
> -Nick

Hi Nick,
install the packet ipmasqadm on your firewall box and edit the files in
/etc/ipmasq/rules. there are good samples and default values for 


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