Thanks for the answer.

Is ttmkfdir better than mkttfdir, which I found on my system? Since my last
message, I have gone ahead and installed the fonts, using mkttfdir, but maybe
there's some reason to remake the fonts.dir file with ttmkfdir. I did notice
that the Microsoft Web fonts were indicated as iso-8859-1 and not iso-10646-1,
even though they (to some degree) support Unicode - this was even true of the
(non-MS font) Lucida Sans Unicode, which is made to be used as a Unicode font;
i.e., it was indicated in the fonts.dir file as iso-8859-1.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

On Sat, Mar 17, 2001 at 08:11:16AM +0000, Alan Chandler wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 00:13:46 -0500, you wrote:
> >I have Xfree86 v4 already; I am running (almost) the latest unstable. 
> >Therefore
> >I do not use a separate TrueType font server. I guess then I am wondering 
> >what
> >the best Debian way is to install a new font. There are, if I remember
> >correctly, some TrueType-specific steps (something like ttmkfontdir before
> Just add the font path to XF86Config-4 (in /etc/X11).  I just made a
> directory that matched the others but called ttype.  You need to
> create the fonts.dir file and the program you want for this is
> ttmkfdir
> I had to search the internet for it, and most sites point you at a
> german one that doesn't work.  However I eventually got a copy (can't
> remember where)
> Alan

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