On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 09:08:58AM -0800, Nate Amsden wrote:
> > Amit Ganpule wrote:
> > 
> > Dear Sir,
> > I have recently purchased a computer magazine along with that two CDs of
> > Debian were given, now I bought the magazine for the Linux CDs, but I can't
> > make head or tail of how to install, run or do anything with the CDs. I do
> > not know how to partition the hard disc, I am very much interested in
> > switching over to Linux OS.
> if you don't know how to partition a hard disk i strongly, honestly
> reccomend against using linux at this point in time unless there is someone
> local to you that can hold your hand. i have helped many many people
> in person from knowing nothing about linux to being able to use it everyday
> but many of them i don't think would of made it on their own(before giving up)
> without a lot of help.
> especially debian. debian is not a userfriendly system to install. if your
> ready to spend days/weeks configuring it then post your specific questions
> here. in your case i would suggest getting a dedicated PC and using something
> like mandrake until you get the hang of linux. then move to debian later.
> setting up a dual boot can be dangerous unless you know exactly what your
> doing(honestly the first time i tried with slackware ~5 years ago i wiped
> out my C: so i speak from experience).
> i don't mean to discourage you but to save you a lot of effort, your post
> suggests you are not ready for debian(yet).

I disagree with much that is said here.  I see this time and time again
on many different forums that debian is not for newbies.  I installed
debian hamm after one year of using W95.  Slink is much easier to
install than hamm.  I didn't even know which disk to use for
installation.  I posted to the list, asking if I use the binary or
source disk.  I read and understood as much as I could and posted to the
list about that which I did not know.  People were great and helped me
immensely, still do.  

A few months after installing hamm I tried Redhat.  The install was
easier but I couldn't get ppp working for two weeks, there were many
frustrating bugs and shortly thereafter I went back to debian.

Installing a dual boot system can be done relatively safely by installing
a second hard drive.  A cheap 1 or 2 Gig drive will do nicely.  Unhook
your drive containing windows and install debian.  Hook up both drives and
use a boot floppy to access debian till your confident enough to use a

Amit, if you would like to give debian a try there are people on the list
that will help.  I would suggest you start out by reading the
documentation at -
especially the installation instructions -

I spent a considerable amount of time choosing the first distro I
installed.  I chose it because I wanted a bit of a challenge, in order to
learn and because debian is created and run by volunteers.  I've tried
several distributions since and always come back to debian.
 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
     First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

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