On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 03:21:22AM -0700, Jimmy Richards wrote:
> Hi John,
>     I think i know some of these....
>     1)   ls -a > filecount && wc -l filecount

or ls -a | wc -l

>     2)   find /<your_dir> -perm 0755 -print > exec_count && wc -l
>     exec_count      (i think this'll work.. I didn't try it.   man find
>     for more info)

more reliable would be:

find /<your_dir> -perm +0111 -print | wc -l

this will find any file with any execute bit set, your example will
not catch files which are mode 750, 700, 500, 550, 555, etc etc.  

>     3)   ls *.tar.gz > tar.gz_count && wc -l tar.gz_count

ls *.tar.gz | wc -l

Ethan Benson

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